There are various types of web hosting services and it all depends on what you want to accomplish in building your web-site for your business. You should look at the different options which depend on these following factors:

Complexity of your web-site – You may want to talk to a developer on the complexity of your web-site, especially when it comes to graphics and database administration. You may have to consult with an internet specialist on the type of hosting that you need.

Some web hosting services are provided for free but you have to put up with ads that are on the top or bottom of your web site and those ads might not be conducive to the web site that you have developed. If you are going to get a site with ads, then get a free web hosting package that matches with the online ad that’s already there.

Free hosting also has low bandwidth on the internet because of so many people using the free service instead of the paid service. Basically, you also get a free web email account with free hosting services.

Then there is hosting that you pay for that you have more control over when you load and host your web site. You get POP mail access and can create as many emails as you want to which depends on the type of account that you pay for.

Every company has special packages for each and every need. From personal to business servers, even servers for special kinds of operating systems (UNIX, Windows, Linux and Apple) the choices vary depending on what you want to do.

The prices depend on how much space you need on the server to load your applications so you have to take into consideration what you want to put on the server through your web-site.

Women are unique and powerful beings in this world when wielding the truth of the heart wisdom that lives deep within. This article is a testament and tribute honoring women and calls forth more of the brilliance they have to offer the world.

inspiration,powerful women,woman,love,relationships,empowerment

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One man can make a difference. I've been saying this and writing around this subject matter for over a decade now. It is not to the exclusion of women as I originally used the phrase in reference to mankind or society if you prefer. A decade ago, my pursuit of the quest to make a difference, to be involved, to inspire ended up taking a back seat. Survival in the moment and dealing with family and health issues took the front seat. Now, most of that is behind me and to a large degree it has been women who have made the difference in my growth and healing; unique powerful, loving, nurturing women.

This post serves as a reminder, an acknowledgement, a song of praise, if you will, for women. It's important you realize just how powerful and wonderful you are as a woman, as a female, as someone who has a unique blueprint different from the male of our species. Your gift is priceless when used well with integrity and you conduct yourself from this seat of female power. It's not the media's and popular culture's representation of female wiles, cunning, and manipulation. No, it's the power of the nurturer and spiritual values.

I speak partly from my own experience that has a depth and richness that is so hard to explain. It also includes influence from historical perspectives and the recognition that almost every great man in history has attributed a large part of their success to the great woman in their life. I attribute it to the call in my heart and the need in my soul for that connection and healing balm that only the company of a woman can provide. How can words possibly express such complexity and yet such simplicity so that it is understood and owned by all women.

It is my desire to empower each of you to be the greatest woman you can be. If I had any advice for your day-to-day living, I'd say look to women who are mature in experience and who have a healthy perspective on love, life, and relationships. Women who are successful in their relationships and careers without compromising the highest values that ring so true in all of our hearts.

I can also say that I have much to offer in one-on-one coaching as a result of my own life experience with women and my perspective on the unique power of women. I do this with female clients in my coaching business now and it is a huge honor for me. It pains my heart to see women limiting themselves due to poor self image and beliefs developed from family, peers, society, media and boys or men who have caused pain.

Don't hold back, be all that you are made to be.

Yes, one man can make a difference, but the truth is, Women make all the difference!

Peace, love, harmony - it is power.

Be divinely beautiful; it radiates from within.

Best wishes, Lee

Make a Difference

Alan Heywood writes a stimulating, though sometimes improbable, adventure novel in Amapola. What I mean by this is that the characters are seemingly very lucky or were simply at the right place, at the right time. Yet, other scenes are somewhat reminiscent of a James Bond movie. I liked the humor...

Adventure, detective, fiction

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Alan Heywood writes a stimulating, though sometimes improbable, adventure novel in Amapola. What I mean by this is that the characters are seemingly very lucky or were simply at the right place, at the right time. Yet, other scenes are somewhat reminiscent of a James Bond movie. I liked the humor Alan dabbled throughout the novel and admired the strong female characters. This book certainly has a heavy slant towards the importance of friendships and a pro-Canada theme – which I loved.

George Magee, a retired Major, was never able to forget Sakai, a Costa-Rican woman, who despite the number of years that separated them easily stole his heart. He thought that he was doing the right thing by leaving the young beauty, but the torment in his heart was not eased by the passage of time.

Now retired, he fills his days with an import-export business that requires him to return to Mexico periodically to deal with his customers. His emotional void is filled by his Sister’s family – since he does not have one of his own. Sadly, members of a drug cartel heartlessly murder his brother-in-law and young niece, and George is filled with seething anger.

When the Canadian government requests George to assist their war on Mexican drugs by using his business as a cover, he jumps at the chance to strike out in revenge. Fueled by his anger and his hopes of reconciling with Sakai, George is taken on a thrilling adventure in and out of the drug trade.

This Article asserts at Success as a way of life and explains why you can achieve success by following in the footsteps of others who have gone before you.

Success in life, successful people, find success, achieve success, about success

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Have you achieved success in your life? Yes or no? The answer to that question is quite simple to most people. You might as well ask a man how much money he has…it’s the same question. However there’s more to it than that. Money is a nice manifestation of success, but it is not the key goal.

Success should be less of an “end” in itself, and more of a “means”. Success should be a way of life. A truly successful man has mastered life, and thus has control of the direction of his destiny. It is a characteristic of the world we live in that most men prefer that destiny to point straight towards the proverbial pot of gold. That is fine as well. If it is money and riches you want, then you should have it. You should not be denied!

So how do you get the money and riches? Is it what you do? What about who you know? Perhaps it’s your geographic location? All of these play a role certainly; but if you want success, a good way to start would be to find a successful person and ask him how he did it. Then find another and do the same. Then find another…and another. Then you can act on your desire, suitably armed with a wealth of knowledge that would mean you are already “successful”, even before the manifestation of the wealth you seek. Of course you have to have the right frame of mind and focus and all of that, so I am not saying there isn’t more. The good thing about this approach is – particularly if you don’t know where to start – that you can also develop the focus by learning from others.

When you arrive at a strange train station and you want to reach “The Plaza” on James Street, how do you get there? You can consult the complicated map. That would get you there, if you are skilled at reading maps. It might be faster to ask someone. The map might leave out the large body of water that has blocked the path. A person would give you that information. If you’re afraid of being misled, you could ask someone else…and then re-consult the map. With this approach, you’ll be confident of getting to the location long before you actually reach it. It’s that state of confidence that makes you the victor long before the battle is over.

It’s the same with success. People who have reached the peak of their lives (or of life as we know it) have certain habits and carry out certain actions. They have each found their own way to that point. They know a way to get there. Most of them know multiple ways to get there, simply because they have done it. One might sneer at this. It’s easy to assume that it’s only because they are successful that they have anything to tell. They might easily have failed, and then perhaps we wouldn’t know of them. Well, most of them did! In fact, many “failed” repeatedly. I read somewhere that 4 millionaires being interviewed (each made their first million before they turned 35) started, on average, 18 businesses before each hit the jackpot. Imagine 17 failures. Then imagine speaking to one of them and learning how to avoid, maybe, 13 of those steps. You would already be closer to your goal.

The point is, as far as success is concerned, the most important ingredient comes from inside you. There is determination, focus, power of will and others. Then there is knowledge. It is that knowledge that gives direction to all the other forces. Once the direction is known…action! With that action comes a definite movement towards the ultimate goal.

So, in closing, I say this…learn from those who have gone before you. They are many, and their methods are vastly different. You don’t have to do exactly as they have done, but you can apply their methods and knowledge to your own journey. Once you act on this knowledge, I can assure you that you will start to think like a “successful” person. Once that happens, it is only a matter of time before that success is made manifest in your life.

Here’s to your success.

Are you, your family, your friends, or your romantic partner planning to take a hiking adventure soon? As you likely already know, hiking can be fun and exciting, but it can be dangerous at the same time. Of course, there are a number of different steps that you can take to protect yourself on your next hiking adventure and a few of those steps are outlined below.

If you have yet to choose your hiking trail, you will want to do so soon. The sooner that you choose your hiking trail, the easier it will be to familiarize yourself with where you will be hiking. When choosing a hiking trail, it is advised that you take the difficulty level into consideration. For instance, you can find hiking trails in the United States that are designed for beginners, as well as those that have advanced hiking experience.

Once you have decided which hiking trial you would like to hike on, you will want to take the time to fully familiarize yourself with the trail. If you are able to acquire a map of the hiking trial in question, you will want to closely examine it. You will want to know exactly where you are at all times, as well as how to get out of the area, in the event of an emergency. If you do acquire a map of the hiking trial that you plan on hiking, you will want to make sure that you bring a copy of the map with you. This will also assist you in the event of an emergency.

You will want to think about familiarizing yourself with the security of the hiking trial or park in question; get their contact information so you can contact them in the event of an emergency. Speaking of contacting security guards, you will want to make sure that you bring a cell phone with you. A cell phone will allow you to call for help if you or someone in your hiking party has an accident or wanders off the trail. If you do not own a cell phone, you may want to think about buying a cheap prepaid one or borrowing the cell phone of someone that you know.

Although it is important that you bring a cell phone with you on your next hiking adventure, a cell phone is not all that you will want to bring. Even if you are only planning on hiking for a day or two, you will want to make sure that you have enough food and drinks, just incase something went wrong. Many hikers are urged to prepare for the worst, just incase. For that reason, you may want to think about packing a number of extra snacks and drinks.

Another great way that you can stay safe on your next hiking adventure is by making sure that you have all of the right hiking equipment or hiking supplies. In this aspect, you will want to make sure that you are dressed for the hike. Hiking should involve sneakers at the least, but you may want to think about buying a set of hiking boots. You will also want to review the weather before leaving. Even if it will be bright and sunny, you may still want to think about bringing a light coat with you, incase of rain or incase you become stranded on the hiking trail overnight.

Perhaps, the best way that you can go about staying safe on your next hiking adventure is by letting your friends and family members know where you are going, when you will be leaving, and when you will return. Should you not return on time, those that you know should be able to find you, or at least have a generalized idea of where you are. You may also want to think about writing down the same information and leaving it at a safe place at home.

The above outlined hiking safety tips are just a few of the many that you may want to think about practicing. As a reminder, hiking can be fun and exciting, but it can also be dangerous as well.

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